Designed to redirect SNK Neo Geo MVS multi slots PCB signals to work properly inside your JAMMA Cabinet or with a Supergun.
Features three different action buttons layouts, amplified mono or stereo sound outputs and different game select button options.
- Action buttons layout remapper.*
- Quickly change the layout of the action buttons to one of the three different layouts available.
- Mono / Stereo audio "Switch". (Move both jumpers accordingly).
- Amplified Mono sound output via the JAMMA edge.
- Amplified Stereo sound output via CN1. (Molex type header, 0.100" (2.54mm) pitch).
- Select Game button mapper.
- The Select Game button can be mapped to be activated with 1P Down, 1P Button 1 (A) or when set to Ext, a button harness can be connected to CN2. (Molex type header, 0.100" (2.54mm) pitch).
- Optional support for different types of kick harnesses.
- Capcom CPS1 (CN3, JST NH header).
- Capcom CPS2/CPS3 (CN4, Hirose DF1B header).
*Buttons 4 and Buttons 5 for both players have to be connected in order to use the NEO GEO KB / NEO GEO CD Pad button layouts.
They can be connected to the JAMMA edge. Or a Capcom CPS1 - CPS2/CPS3 compatible kick harness can be used.

Not for use with single slot SNK Neo Geo boards.
Not for use with single slot SNK Neo Geo boards.
- MV-2 / MV-2F / MV-4F / MV-4T / MV-6F
- v 1.2 -
- v 1.1 -
- v 1.0 - Initial release